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    Five Advantages of Surveillance Cameras in Public Places

    When working in the healthcare sector, you want to fully focus on helping your patients without worrying about external threats or dangers.

    With a surveillance system, you gain additional eyes watching over your area and premises, ensuring that no unauthorized person enters. This provides safety for both your staff and patients.

    Here are five reasons to equip your healthcare facility or medical centre with surveillance cameras. Surveillance cameras are a practical tool to create a safe and secure environment for you and your staff. Their mere presence deters potential burglars and can also provide important evidence in criminal investigations. All of this allows you to focus on what you do best: taking care of your patients.

    According to GDPR, the purpose must outweigh the interest of privacy concerning surveillance in public places, which imposes additional requirements on healthcare centres and other healthcare facilities. Depending on the circumstances of individual cases, privacy issues may differ between different locations within a healthcare facility, which also affects the state of surveillance. Applying for a permit for surveillance in a public place is a lengthy process that goes through several stages.

    At Protectas, we take annual courses with the Privacy Protection Authority to stay informed about the latest requirements. We cannot submit an application for you, but we are happy to serve as advisers.

    Read more information on the steps to obtain authorization on the Privacy Protection Agency's website.

    Approved surveillance is an effective way to gain better control and increase the security of your healthcare facility. Here are seven reasons below.


    The main items stolen in medical and healthcare centres are drugs and other pharmaceuticals. As a burglar, you prefer to act discreetly and avoid attention, so a staff entrance or a back door may be an appropriate way to enter. By placing a surveillance camera directed at the entrance, you add the variable that potential burglars want to avoid most: vigilant eyes. In other words, surveillance cameras can deter burglary attempts before they even become an attempt. The same goes for preventing graffiti and other acts of vandalism. With cameras installed, the risk of damage to your premises is reduced.

    Safety for your staff when arriving and leaving

    Surveillance cameras directed at the staff entrance also provide extra security for your staff when they arrive and leave work. They don't have to worry about an unknown person appearing behind them as soon as they open the door. If you want to increase security further, an operator can monitor or check the area before opening the door. Keep in mind that it is important to signal areas under video surveillance using signs, which serves two purposes: informing that the area is under surveillance and deterring potential burglars.

    Easier alarm response

    It's not always necessary to call the police or fire department when the alarm goes off. With the help of installed cameras, an operator can quickly identify the cause of the alarm and take appropriate action. In the event of an ongoing burglary or fire, we can act quickly and send the appropriate personnel. If the alarm is triggered by mistake, the cameras can help draw the right conclusions and dismiss any suspicion of crime. In addition to creating efficiency in the event of an ongoing crime or accident, this also saves money if the alarm is false and no personnel need to be sent to the scene.

    Calming effect in the waiting room

    If you've noticed many incidents in your waiting room and tried all other methods such as guards, surveillance cameras might be the solution. Whether real-time or recorded surveillance, the mere presence of cameras will make the environment calmer and safer.

    Busy with a patient while the bell rings?

    If you work in a small healthcare facility and don't have access to a receptionist or other civilian staff, it can be pleasant not to have to leave the patient you're treating just because a delivery person rings the doorbell. By looking into your app, you can see who is standing outside the door and, with the help of access control, let the person in.

    Get help from a reliable security partner

    Protectas helps you ensure security from start to finish. We conduct an initial risk assessment and have both the expertise and security equipment you need. As the business grows, we help you update your security solutions according to your needs. This way, you can always feel safe and focus on your business. We can take care of the entire project, from installation to service, including operator services - or parts of the chain. It all depends on your needs. If you choose to use Protectas for all parts of the project, you get one point of contact and a spokesperson for all information management, avoiding detailed planning with several suppliers.