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Mobile Guard Reporting

Service Description for MyProtectas Mobile Guard Reporting and Issue Reporting.

General description

MyProtectas Mobile Guard Reporting is a digital service that allows you to access reports and statistics from beats and actions performed by our guards – all in one place. You can also see trends, gain insights of recurring events and get suggestions of measures that should be taken. MyProtectas Mobile Guard Reporting provides you as a user digital access to one, a few, or all your sites. Through the digital service, you can easily get in touch with us at Protectas directly in a mobile application or on the webpage.

Key functionality

MyProtectas Mobile Guard Reporting provides the following functionality, both via web and mobile app:

  • View callout and beat reports for your site(s). Reports are available in the application for the last six (6) months, and on the webpage for the last twelve (12) months.
  • View analytics of callout and beat data for most common causes and most active site, on a per month basis.
  • Invite, change or remove other users connected to the same organization(s) and/or sites in MyProtectas Mobile Guard Reporting.
  • Receive and handle push-notifications and e-mail send outs.


All logged in users that have been securely authenticated can view guarding information for the sites that they have been granted access to. All users are under subject of dynamic access – and does therefore have their own unique experience.