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    Our social responsibility

    Through our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy, we aim to grow our business in a solid and sustainable way. Above all, it's about creating long-term value for our customers, employees and partners, without having a negative impact on our planet.

    A committed private security company

    Our Group is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact. We are committed to following its ten founding principles, which range from human rights and working conditions to the environment and the fight against corruption.

    Our Group has also just submitted its environmental target proposal to the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi). Pending validation, we're continuing to gather information and exchange views on the subject at local level. For example, we organised the workshop Climate Fresk, which took place for our employees. The workshop took place on 23 May 2023 in Lausanne, at the Impact Hub and on 14 November 2023 at our location in Zurich.

    Our Code of Values and Ethics

    Protectas has a distinctive CSR approach, based on our parent company's Code of Values and Ethics.

    Our aim is to:

    • Confirm our position as a leader, through the way we work with our employees and our close relationships with our customers
    • Attract and retain staff, applying rigorous governance practices and offering quality services
    • Ensure long-term profitable growth to strengthen stakeholder confidence
    • Increase diversity, transparency and a reliable technology offering, which are important issues for our stakeholders and relevant to our business.

    As part of this, we provide all our employees with a secure space which we call the Integrity hotline, and in which they can report any incident or simply discomfort with any type of professional situation.

    Our certifications

    The satisfaction of our customers and our employees is at the heart of our concerns, our strategy and our values.

    Controlling the quality of our services requires practices that are shared and respected by everyone, from setting up the service to monitoring the customer relationship.

    All this is only possible thanks to our employees, who are our most important resource. For us, it is essential to provide training and skills development, and to offer opportunities for career development, all in a safe and healthy social environment.

    Our ongoing commitment to customer satisfaction and continuous improvement has earned us the following certifications and labels:

    • ISO 9001 - Quality management system
    • ISO 45001 - Health and safety management system (OHS)
    • ISO 14001 - Environmental management system
    • ISO 29993 - Training services
    • EcoEntreprise certificate - Sustainable development - Corporate social responsibility
    • Corporate citizenship label
    • Label for rehabilitation and professional reintegration
    • Swiss School Impulse label: Quality label for vocational training courses
    • Fair-ON-Pay: Equal pay certification

    See also

    The Group's Annual and Sustainable Development Report 2023

    Read more

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